【Hazzys - What Are You Looking For?】
【Creator: Icy Liu & Yifan Li】【Director: Zhen Pan】【Executive Director: Luyi Zhao】
【Producer: Grace Gu】【Executive Producer: Neon Zou】
【Art Director: Xiwen Zhang】【Cinematographer: Kun Song】【Visual Artisit: Liberty Li】
【Editor: Allen Chen】【TC: Tony Zhang】【Visual Effects: Jason Sun & Nivai】
For the unveiling of the Hazzys 2022 S.S. Fashion Show, Aosum created this moving image that tells how people will get better together, completing the expression of the brand. The creative theme is based on one person's constant search as a clue, and new partners join one by one in the process. The series of new products are displayed in different scenes, combined with the unique British humour style to connect everyone as the clue. It not only does not lose the sense of high quality but also can collide with a sense of fun and novelty. The 【British Fashion】tone established by the entire short film deepens consumers' awareness of the Hazzys brand, and meanwhile, attracts the audience's attention and immerses themselves in the Hazzys show.